Add this Event to Calendar 06/23/2018 11:00 AM 06/23/2018 12:00 PM eBook Help


Friendly teen volunteers will be available most Saturdays from 11 am -12 pm to answer questions about the library's e-book collections. No registration required - please just drop in! Questions are always welcome.

During the program, you can learn how to:.

*Download e-books from the library's catalog onto an e-reader, tablet, laptop, etc.

*Download the app (if necessary) for any of the library's e-book collections (Overdrive, Libby, Cloud Library, etc.)

*Help you create and set up your account with your Alameda County Library card for any of the e-book databases

*Check out, access, and return e-books and e-audiobooks through any of the databases


Contact Dublin Library 925-803-7252

Location: DUBLIN BRANCH - Get Directions