Add this Event to Calendar 04/06/2018 09:30 AM 04/06/2018 12:30 PM Best Practices for Special Events

Everyone says that special events are a great way to raise funds and friends for your organization. But how do you even begin? This session will cover things you need to consider, identifying what makes a good special event, how to manage it from start to finish, and how to evaluate what success will mean to you.

Speaker: Jamie Rhoades serves as the Director of Development at ACHIEVA.  With more than 10 years of experience in nonprofit fundraising, she previously held positions at the Crohn’ & Colitis Foundation and the March of Dimes.  Jamie currently serves in leadership roles on the boards of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Western Pennsylvania Chapter and the Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council.  

Contact: Sarah Wojdylak 412-921-1123 wojdylaks@einetwork.net