Add this Event to Calendar 05/02/2024 07:00 PM 05/02/2024 08:00 PM Best Management Practices in the Landscape

This program will be held on Zoom and hosted by North Shore Public Library.

This program is being brought to you by Cornell Cooperative Extension. 

Best Management Practices in the Landscape is a presentation that discusses properly selecting plant material for the right sites, installing, and maintaining ornamental native plants, fertilization, grasses, lawn care, proper pruning, and more. Sound planting and aftercare for ornamentals will also help to conserve water because they require less irrigation once established. You will learn how to greatly increase survival and performance in the garden with Best Management techniques.

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Meeting ID: 882 0211 8978 

Passcode: 032624 

Contact: Kimberly Parry 6312673810 kimberlyparry@amagansettlibrary.org
Via Zoom