Add this Event to Calendar 05/16/2024 12:00 PM 05/16/2024 01:00 PM Osteoporosis

This program will take place on Zoom.

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens your bones making them thinner and less dense.  This can result in bone fractures which significantly impact quality of life.  Dr. Heidi Roppelt, board-certified rheumatologist at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, will discuss osteoporosis and osteopenia, the causes, as well as diagnosis, treatment and disease management.   This disease is more prevalent in women, although men can also be affected. This program is being presented by Stony Brook Southampton Library and East Hampton Library.

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Meeting ID: 823 1832 6249
Passcode: 849436

Contact: Kimberly Parry 6312673810 kimberlyparry@amagansettlibrary.org
Via Zoom