Add this Event to Calendar 05/18/2024 11:00 AM 05/18/2024 12:00 PM The Magic of Aromatherapy for Tweens!

This program will take place in the community room.

Oh the faeries are among us! In this whimsical class, we will discuss essential oils and their place in the world of enchantment. A magical class that will teach students how to make an uplifting “Sprite Spray” and a grounding “Dragon’s Blood” body balm. Each participant leaves with products they create, demonstration, recipes and resources. This program is being brought to you by Amadeus Aromatherapy. 

This program is open to "tweens" in grades 4-8. Registration is required. 

Contact: Kimberly Parry 6312673810 kimberlyparry@amagansettlibrary.org
Community Room