Add this Event to Calendar 12/05/2019 06:30 PM 12/05/2019 08:00 PM Backyard Chickens 101

Always wanted to know what it's like having chickens?  Come learn about the highs and lows, the costs and the tricks to keeping backyard chickens. Meet one too!

Baldwin Borough just adopted an new ordinance about keeping chickens on residential property.  We will have copies of the ordinance at the program so you are fully informed as to the regulations regarding keeping chickens on your property. 

Here is a recent artcile: https://triblive.com/local/pittsburgh-allegheny/baldwin-adopts-ordinance-for-owning-chickens/#targetText=Baldwin%20Borough%20leaders%20want%20to,chickens%20on%20their%20residential%20property.


Contact: Jenny Worley 412-885-2255 worleyj@einetwork.net