Add this Event to Calendar 03/25/2021 06:30 PM 03/25/2021 07:30 PM Take It and Make It for Teens

Teens (grades 6-12) can stop by the library (in library or curbside) to pick up a take-and-make teen craft kit, then join us on Zoom as we connect and craft together! Please register for each session, and a Zoom link will be emailed prior to the program.

Thursday, March 25 at 6:30 pm: Spring Garden - YOU WILL NEED A GLUE GUN. 

Craft kit pickup up begins March 22, either in library or via curbside pickup.  Our hours of operation are M-TH 10-6 and F 10-3.

Contact: Dolores Colarosa 412-885-2255 colarosad@einetwork.net