Add this Event to Calendar 06/27/2019 09:30 AM 06/27/2019 03:30 PM BABYSITTING TRAINING COURSE WITH HARRINGTON HOSPITAL

Open to ages 11-14

Teens will learn what it takes to become a responsible babysitter. They will learn the basics of child care, First Aid and CPR. How to safely play with children of different ages and prevent injury. Also how to be a creative and considerate babysitter. This course is taught by a CPR certified, registered nurse.

Bring your own doll (Cabbage Patch size) and bring your own lunch and drink. Space limited to 16 teens. Registration is REQUIRED.

Cost is $45.00 per person. Pre-payment is due by Friday, June 21st to hold your space once you have registered online. Payments can be cash or check (make checks payable to Harrington Hospital.) Payments can be brought to the Children's Room. In the event there is a waiting list, unpaid registrants will be moved to the waitlist. 

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