Add this Event to Calendar 05/20/2024 10:00 AM 05/20/2024 06:00 PM REGISTRATION OPENS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING

Enjoy stories, crafts, and fun activities during the library’s story times. Registration opens Monday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m. Registration is open to all library card holders. Programs are available for newborns through grade 5 and last for seven weeks. Space is limited, so register early. Preference will be given to Colleyville residents; non-residents will be notified if a spot is available.

Registration opens Monday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m. To register, go to ColleyvilleLibrary.com. Under PROGRAMS & EVENTS, click on the CALENDAR link. Find the class that you want to register for then click on the REGISTER button. Caregivers must fill out one registration form per child.

**PLEASE NOTE**: Submission of a story time registration form DOES NOT guarantee the child a spot in the class. Registration requests will be processed as quickly as possible in the order they are received. A staff member will call or email all story time registrants to confirm whether there is a spot available in the class.

Contact: Youth Services 817-503-1154 YLibrarian@colleyville.com