Add this Event to Calendar 05/29/2019 10:00 AM 05/29/2019 10:30 AM TIME for TWOS- 24-36 months: Spring 2019

 TiMe for 2's

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED; if bringing more than one (1) child, please register each individually. Also, since this is a series, you are automatically registered for each successive session when you register. 

Toddlers 24-36 months old are invited to register for this story time being held weekly through June 12th.  Early literacy activities, songs, stories, and a simple craft will be included in this program.

NOTE: Please register at the first session in this series which is April 10th by going to the pulldown menu above if necessary.

Contact: CHILDREN'S DEPT. 203-736-1482 dplreference@biblio.org