Add this Event to Calendar 08/13/2020 12:00 AM 08/14/2020 12:00 AM Digital D.I.Y. Series Scavenger Hunts (All Ages)

.Digital by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images      D.I.Y.

Looking for a fun activity the whole family can enjoy? Give the Library's new *Scavenger Hunt* a try as part of our Digital DIY series. It's a great way to use those detective skills!  Flex those Scavenger Hunting muscles by visiting our website, Facebook, or Twitter sites at https://derbypubliclibrary.orghttps://www.facebook.com/DerbyPublicLibrary?ref=hl, or https://twitter.com/DerbyPublicLib?lang=en (or, look below right here) every week to join in on the fun!  New Scavenger Hunts are posted every Tuesday and Thursday.  Stay safe and good luck!

Is it purple? Is it pink? No, it’s Magenta! A color that can be found stuck in the middle between Red and Blue. This color can be elusive, so keep your eyes peeled, and see if you can find 3 objects that closer resemble this unique color!

.  Maulucioni / CC BY-SA

Contact: Reference Department 203-736-1482 dplreference@biblio.org