Add this Event to Calendar 04/12/2021 12:00 AM 05/11/2021 12:00 AM It's Raining Cats & Dogs



Forecast calls for April showers!
Expect mews on the age old question:
Who makes the better furry friend?
Will it be the reigning title of man’s best friend?
Will the cat and its purrsonality perch over
their canine counterpart?
How you can vote:
 Share your vote by fetching a ballot,
available in our vestibule or online.
 Drop your vote along with your name
and phone number into specially
decorated containers.
Multiple ballots are accepted.
Check our weekly tally of whose paws are in the lead.
You may vote at the link listed below in the "Location" field; or,  if you prefer to drop off your ballot in-person, you may go to the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R0Fcqm1JA0nNWlNJeuGiiTmaFs8ndfUe/view?usp=sharing to download/print a ballot sheet (good for multiple votes) & place your ballot(s) in the appropriate drop-off spot in the Library's vestibule.

Contact: Reference Desk 203-736-1482 dplreference@biblio.org
Library's Elizabeth St. entrance AND/OR online/virtual @https://derbypubliclibrary.org/raining-cats