Add this Event to Calendar 07/20/2024 10:30 AM 07/20/2024 11:30 AM Xen's Critter's Farm Friends



Xen's Critters will join us and bring her Farm Friends Petting Zoo!  There will be a corral filled with baby goats, bunnies, chickens, ducks, and geese.  Guests can go in and pet all of the animals.  There will also be enclosures full of bunnies so that guests can hug a bunny as well.  An animal specialist from Xen's Critters will be available to answer questions and there will be countless photo opportunities.  This is a drop in event and registration is not required.

This program is made possible with help from the Friends of Ledyard Public Library. 

Contact: Stacey Burt 8604649912 sburt@ledyardlibrary.org
Bill Library