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2017-2018 Sibling Rivalries

Homer and Langley / E.L Doctorow

In Homer and Langley, novelist E.L. Doctorow examines the lives of two reclusive brothers whose cloistered life is affected by some of the most profound events of the 20th century. When Langley returns home from World War I, he is forever scarred by his experiences, and he is nearly tipping over into the abyss of madness. His brother Homer, who is blind and possesses uniquely prophetic abilities, welcomes Langley into the once-grand New York City mansion in which he lives. Together, the two brothers isolate themselves from the world, but all the while, history is playing out around them and shaping them in the most surprising ways. Books & Authors

fun, lively discussions of classics, popular books, fiction & nonfiction

new members and occassional drop-ins always welcome!


Contact: Lisa Rothenberg 781-259-8465 lrothenberg@minlib.net
Tarbell Room