Add this Event to Calendar 04/26/2019 09:30 AM 04/26/2019 11:30 AM Friday Morning Book Group

Historical Fiction: The U.S. & Great Britain

New members & drop ins always welcome refreshments served

Copies in various formats available  2 weeks prior to meeting. 

Arthur and George by Julian Barnes. 2005

British novelist Julian Barnes brings late-Victorian England to life in this novel of one of its most famous figures. Arthur Conan Doyle is a former medical student who became famous, and infamous, for his short stories concerning a character named Sherlock Holmes. Meanwhile, George Edalji (also a real historical person) is a country lawyer struggling to make a living, but facing constant persecution due to his Indian heritage. When George is tried and convicted of the mutilation of animals, he sends the facts of the case to the famous writer. Arthur immediately sees that he cannot be guilty of the unspeakable acts. He sets himself the thankless task of clearing George's name. Books & Authors

Contact: Lisa Rothenberg 17812598465 lrothenberg@minlib.net
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