Add this Event to Calendar 11/10/2014 09:45 AM 11/10/2014 12:00 PM Metrowest Reader's Advisory Roundtable [Natick]

The Metrowest Readers' Advisory Round Table's Genre: Mystery, Police Procedural

Benchmark: Everyone Reads Michael Connolly's "The Black Echo"

We decided to do a mystery book for our first meeting and the subgenre of police procedural for the benchmark. If you can make it, please read "The Black Echo" by Michael Connelly and another book of this subgenre of your own choosing. During the meeting we can decide if we want to do a deeper study of the mystery genre for a few meetings or move to different genres. In addition to talking about the books themselves, please pay attention to appeal factors such as story, characters,tone, style, and pace.

Spend some time on the blog and introduce yourself!

Please read a 2nd title in the Mystery genre, police procedural subgenre--look on the MW-RART blog: for a list of links to suggested titles. Also, make sure to add your second title to the blog posts.

Appeal to be read for November meeting: ***Focus on all the appeal factors, but really think about setting and tone.

Hopefully, meeting every other month, the MW-RART will read from one genre--and then discuss the appeal of that genre with each other emphasizing the building of a skill set of appeal categories and familiarity of genre particulars. Everyone participating will be able to share analysis of titles and authors in unfamiliar genres that will stretch their capacity as readers' advisors.  The discussion leaders for this first meeting are Meena Jain (mjain@minlib.net) and Kristi Chadwick (kristi@masslibsystem.org).

Looking forward to seeing you!

Contact: Meena Jain mjain@minlib.net

Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot St.
Natick, MA