Add this Event to Calendar 05/28/2015 11:00 AM 05/28/2015 12:00 PM Must Have Apps: Social Software [webinar]

The days of “Bigger is better” are over.  Now the power and functionality of a desktop computer are in tiny devices such as tablets, music players, and cell phones.  

According to EMARKETER.COM, in 2013, 1 in 4 people worldwide used social networks.  That is approximately 1.73 billion people.  In this webinar, we will view some of the popular applications to help manage your social networks and stay connected to others

This workshop will be led by Rita Gavelis, LibAssist - http://www.libassist.com/, rita@libassist.com.

Participants will receive webinar information in advance of the session.
Click HERE for a GoToWebinar Attendee Guide.


Contact: Scott Kehoe 1-866-627-7228 scott@masslibsystem.org