Add this Event to Calendar 11/24/2020 11:00 AM 11/24/2020 11:30 AM Tech Help Appointment

Need help using your computer, smartphone, or tablet? Uncertain of where to find information about health, jobs, or that new computer program? Book a librarian for free, accessible, and helpful guidance on these and other research topics. Appointments are a half hour long. Appointments can now be requested either in person at the Library or virtually via Zoom.

In Person: [All in person appointments are suspended while the library is closed to the public. We will offer them again starting Mon Dec 14]
To protect staff and library patrons from risk of COVID-19 infections, the following safety measures will be taken: (1) only 1 patron per appointment (2) socially distanced appointments will be conducted with a plexiglass divider (3) exchange of devices will be limited without direct person-to-person contact and (4) devices must be sanitized prior to and after appointments.

You can opt for a virtual appointment via Zoom or phone and receive assistance with screen sharing or remote viewing tools. After signing up, you will receive the Zoom invite link the morning of your appointment time. Provide an indication of what you need help with prior to the appointment in your registration form.

Registration is required to attend this program. 

Contact: Erik Caswell 860-536-7721 ecaswell@mysticnoanklibrary.org