Add this Event to Calendar 10/19/2021 10:30 AM 10/19/2021 11:00 AM Plum Library Goes to the Park!

Preschoolers/Kindergarteners and a parent/caregiver are invited...

  • October 19th – 10:30AM-11:00AM – Location: Boyce Park Silver Beaver Shelter (rain location Boyce Park Ski Lodge) – maximum of 20 participants at each session.  Silver Beaver Shelter is off New Texas Road, at the Boyce Park location behind the basketball courts and tennis courts.
  • Second session has been cancelled due to only one registration.

 Miss Tammy would like to invite you to join her and the Park Rangers for story time and hike in the park!  Listen to a story read by the Park Rangers and then explore nature themed items related to the story.

Registration is required.  Register online at plumlibrary.org.

Boyce Park:Silver Beaver Shelter