Add this Event to Calendar 09/30/2021 04:00 PM 09/30/2021 05:00 PM Virtual Lego Club

Grab your Legos OR any other building material you have at home, and join us on Zoom for an hour of building challenges and fun! Recommended for children ages 4 and up.

Registration is required, in order to get the Zoom meeting information. Zoom information will be emailed prior to the event. To register please fill out the form below OR email Ms. Dani at danylod@einetwork.net

Tech requirement:
Computer or smart device with Webcam/Microphone and a Zoom account.  Ms. Dani will be in the room early to help with any technical issues. 
​It is strongly encouraged you familiarize yourself with Zoom in advance of the program. For more in-depth instructions please visit the Zoom support page.

Contact: Ms. Dani 412-655-2424 danylod@einetwork.net