Add this Event to Calendar 08/07/2019 06:30 PM 08/07/2019 08:30 PM SPACE @ PPL: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence


SPACE @ PPL: A lecture series for all! 

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
with Professors Nicole Gugliucci (Physics) and Joshua Tepley (Philosophy), Saint Anselm College
Wednesday August 7 | 6:30 PM  

Professors Nicole Gugliucci and Joshua Tepley of Saint Anselm College discuss the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. How likely is the existence of alien sentience? How profound would it be to discover the existence of aliens? Would it fundamentally change human culture? Or would life go on more or less the same as it was before the discovery? Is there any chance aliens would be like us—either physically or mentally? Or should we expect aliens to be so radically different from us that communication would be impossible? And in light of our answers to these and related questions: should we be spending any of our time, energy, and money on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)? Or is this just a big waste?

Gugliucci received her Ph.D. in Astronomy in 2012 at University of Virginia. Her scientific background is primarily in radio astronomy and her passion is science communication. In addition to teaching science, she assists in recruiting secondary education teachers from the ranks of the college’s STEM majors, trains pre-service elementary teachers in science and engineering, and studies the motivations of citizen scientists. Tepley received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2013, and among other courses he teaches Science Fiction and Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy and Ethics.

Don't miss the others in the series!


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Contact: Laura Horwood-Benton 6037661711 lkhorwood-benton@cityofportsmouth.com
Levenson Community Room