Add this Event to Calendar 12/01/2020 07:00 PM 12/01/2020 08:00 PM ONLINE Classics Book Club: Middlemarch


Join the library’s Classics Book Club online! We define a classic not by its specific time period, but by its staying power and recognized value to society and the literary canon. We will endeavor to include a diverse group of authors, across gender, race, nationality and sexuality.

We will not meet in November, so you’ll have more time to read this month’s book!  We suggest reading books I – IV in October, and V – VIII in November. Middlemarch is instantly available on Hoopla as an audiobook, and as an ebook.

An epic study of provincial life at a time when England was facing rapid industrialization and increasingly fluid social mobility, Eliot's depiction of the small community of Middlemarch weaves an intricate web of different characters disparate lives as they strive to adapt to the changing world around them. Eliot was one of the first of her female contemporaries to write a novel that dealt with real-life issues and complex yet ordinary human life.

No registration required.

Click this link to connect via Zoom. Password: 3GWdHC

Visit cityofportsmouth.com/library/book-discussion-groups for more information.


Contact: Laura Horwood-Benton 6034271540 lkhorwood-benton@cityofportsmouth.com