Add this Event to Calendar 10/17/2017 03:00 PM 10/17/2017 04:30 PM Make Your Own Video Game

The Rhode Island Computer Museum will present a Workshop call “Make Your Own Video Game”.  This is a great chance to put down your controllers and take time to learn interactive software titled “Scratch” and create your own “video game” sample.  Presented by our learning team, the program will also include an exhibit on “Historic Video Games”. The exhibit aims to explain the impact of Early Video Games and then teach the MIT developed youth program “Scratch”.  Scratch is a computer program developed to teach software coding and allows you can create your own “video game” sample. The workshop aims to explain how early video games were made and give students new skills to develop their own games.

Contact: Dan Berman Dan@ricomputermuseum.org
RICM Learning Lab- 1130 Ten Rod Road North Kingstown RI