Add this Event to Calendar 07/02/2024 08:00 PM 07/02/2024 10:00 PM Moth Observation

Did you know that moths are, according to Dr. Dough Tallamy, the foundation of our food web? More important than the beautiful butterflies, moths and their caterpillars are food sources for our beloved birds and pollinators of the flowers that bring beauthy to our gardens and food to our plates. They are also nocturnal and so most people won't know that NJ has a wide variety of moths including many that are colorful and patterned in surprising ways.

At this event we'll start out in the library basement. We'll be asking folks to add iNaturalist or a free flora and fauna app of their choice to their smartphone. We'll head outside after nightfall to our moth observation stations to look at, photograph, identify, and document the number of moths that visit us. We'll also experiment with the colors of light to see if infrared or colors of light bring out different visitors.

Please bring a headlamp or flashlight with you, use your favorite mosquito repellent, and get ready to make some interesting discoveries with us!