Add this Event to Calendar 06/17/2020 10:00 AM 06/17/2020 11:00 AM KRAFTY KIDS ( ages 2-5) Session 1

.This year's summer reading theme is Imagine a Story and we are please to announce our Kids Summer Crafting series. Participants must register for each 3 week session (Session 1 runs the weeks of June 8, June 15 & June 22). Each registered participant will receive a Take & Go Bag containing craft materials for each week's craft. You only need to register once using the link below.  Deadline to register is Thursday, June 4 at noon.  This is to ensure we have the materials we need for all who want to participate.

The Take & Go Bag will be pre-packed by library staff utilizing safety measures recommended by the town’s emergency response team and the CDC.  For registered children, a Take & Go Bag will be available for the first session on Monday June 8 from 9:30 - 5:30.

For those people not registered, recording of the programs will be available later in the day for kids who want to participate using their own materials. 



Contact: Tricia Thomas 887-3428 pthomas@sandownlibrary.us