Add this Event to Calendar 12/14/2019 03:00 PM 12/14/2019 05:00 PM Tianna's Make-and-Take 2 Pairs of Earrings

Our Scott Township artist, Tianna, steps away from the paint canvas this month to help patrons make two pairs of earrings--one to keep and one to give as a gift! (Or, keep them both for yourself--we won't tell!)


All materials are provided. Beginners are welcome; the earrings will be relatively simple bead-and-wire designs that the participants will customize. The class is free, and Scott Library asks that each participant give a donation of at least $5 to offset the cost of the class. Donations will go directly to Scott Township Public Library, and STPL thanks you in advance!

Participants must register for this class; space and materials are limited. 

Contact: Melissa Loizes 412.429.5380 loizesm@einetwork.net
Small Meeting Room