Add this Event to Calendar 10/29/2020 04:00 PM 10/29/2020 07:00 PM Adult Take and Make: Painted Tea Towel

Take a break, have a snack, and do a craft on us! 

Stop by the Scott Township Library book drop starting at 4pm and pick up some snacks and craft supplies to create a painted tea towel! Supplies are limited, first come first serve. Instructions and tips included and also posted on the Scott Township Library YouTube Channel. 

Craft is intended for adults, see our "Craft Take and Make" with Miss Chris for family crafts. 

For this program, funding has been provided by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES)  Act of 2020

Contact: Liz Fager (412) 429-5380 fagere@einetwork.net