Add this Event to Calendar 11/07/2021 11:00 AM 11/07/2021 03:00 PM Hack-a-thon! - Postponed

It’s on like Donkey Kong! Work as a team and develop a solution to a prompt through coding! This is a 24-hour event where teens will get together at the library to learn the prompt, expectations, and develop a plan. Later at their homes, teen will challenge themselves and be creative problem solvers through coding.  

On November 7th, all teams will be asked to give presentations on their solution to a group of judges who are familiar with technology and our prompt theme. The champions of the Hack-a-Thon will be asked to represent Bridgeville and South Fayette at a county-wide Hack-a-Thon this Spring at Northland Public Library, and every team member will receive a Raspberry Pi as an award. 

For ages: 12-18 

Teens must be in groups of 2-6 people to participate. 

Teams must register for this program (only one person from the team needs to register for everyone) 

Contact: Carrie Lowery 412-257-8660 loweryc2@einetwork.net
Bridgeville Public Library