Add this Event to Calendar 06/25/2019 11:00 AM 06/25/2019 12:00 PM SUMMER READING BEGINS (Toddlers* to 6th grade)

SUMMER READING BEGINS-- "A Universe of Stories"  -- This year's theme is "Space" and we have lots of cool activities planned.  There will be crafts, science experiments, story time, a magician and it includes an end of summer reading party with Carnegie Science Center and their traveling Planetarium.  If you wish, your child can even stay for a free lunch served at 12:30 pm.  YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THIS GREAT PROGRAM.  Register by calling 724-274-9729.  Be sure to let us know if you will be staying for lunch.  Children younger than Pre-K need to have a caretaker present.

Contact: Dana 724-274-9729