Add this Event to Calendar 07/20/2022 11:30 AM 07/20/2022 12:30 PM MAD SCIENCE...LIFE IN THE SEA

WEDNESDAY, JULY 20TH @ 11:30AM  (Community Center) 


Come join us at the Mad Science Island!

Life in the Sea: Children explore different ocean ecosystems and learn about the plants and animals that live there. Classifying creatures from sharks to sponges gives them a taste of ocean diversity.

In Whales to Scale, they compare shark and whale teeth and measure the size of these incredible predators. Hands-on activities teach the interconnectedness of an ocean food web and the consequences of overfishing.


*Who has bigger teeth...a whale or a shark?

*What do ocean animals like to eat?

*How do the different jaws work for eating in the ocean?

*Tanks at table for examining created sea life

*Program very hand-on!


(please register below...space is very limited...thank you)


Contact: MS. TAMI (412) 833-5585 paulinet@einetwork.net