Add this Event to Calendar 07/21/2022 06:30 PM 07/21/2022 08:00 PM READING/MATH TUTORS... LIBRARY




Who is going to join us for a reading and math tutoring adventure...w/water balloons?


Join us for some education, presentation skills and crafts/games. This free tutoring session will be covering K-4th grade

reading concepts while we incorporate math skills also.  Sometimes the children will have the opportunity to earn play money to be use in our mini tutoring store. 

Also, reading study/homework strategies will be sent home with every family that participates.  This is a great you for children to learn useful study skills.


At this Reading & Math Tutoring we will be using water balloons to help us learn some math...so be sure to wear something you don't mind if it gets wet and we will be outside too. 

It will be so much fun...the kids will forget they are learning!!!!


Which book will you choose for your presentation!


Please register each child below...THANK YOU!!!


Contact: MS. TAMI (412) 833-5585 paulinet@einetwork.net