Add this Event to Calendar 03/19/2023 11:00 AM 03/19/2023 12:00 PM Virtual: Another Summer of Drawing

 REPLAY : 'Another Summer of Drawing' where we concentrate more on overall technique, composition, skills, and concepts rather than which medium is being used. We will also spend longer on the subject matter.

(Less quick sketches, more demos) Sundays. These classes have been recorded are also available on ERW's YouTube channel.

- Home - Session #11 'Where the Art Is' Figurative concept #4. Attend one or all sessions, same registration link

Please register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkd-itpz4qG9ALfC-LjuVFCtnya27ybcE7 


Contact: Anne McDonough 5086964211116 amcdonough@clamsnet.org
Zoom platform