Add this Event to Calendar 03/20/2024 11:00 AM 03/20/2024 11:00 AM Fiction Book Discussion


Bloomsbury Girls by Natalie Jenner
Bloomsbury Books is an old-fashioned new and rare bookstore that has persisted and resisted change for a hundred years, run by men and guided by the general manager's unbreakable fifty-one rules. But in 1950, the world is changing, especially the world of books and publishing, and at Bloomsbury Books, the girls in the shop have plans. Please register.
This program is subsidized by the Friends of the Library. A limited number of copies will be available in print for $5.00. There will also be library copies and digital formats available. Please Register.

Contact: Tracey Pause 518-765-2791 tracey.pause@voorpl.org
Library Community Room