Add this Event to Calendar 08/15/2020 02:30 PM 08/15/2020 03:30 PM Virtual Publishing Workshop with Henry Quinlan: How to Write and Self-Publish Your Story and Sell it

Henry Quinlan will demonstrate how to write and self-publish for under $10.00 on Amazon. He will offer writing tips that will help amateur authors avoid the most common mistakes and present case studies on how self-published authors have succeeded. Q & A to follow.

Henry M. Quinlan, owner and publisher of Omni Publishing Company, has 40+ years publishing experience. Notable among the books that he published are: My Life in Space by Wally Schirra; Rebound by KC Jones, coach of the Boston Celtics; My Dad the Babe by his daughter Dorothy Ruth Pirrone; The Cops are Robbers by Kevin Stevens, which was featured on 60 Minutes and made into an HBO movie. While engaged in a publishing venture in the former Soviet Union, Henry Quinlan was asked by President George H. Bush to organize the publishing of the children's book, Make Way for Ducklings in Russia in 1991.

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Program courtesy of our Summer Reading Program sponsors

Contact: Reference Department wplref@mywpl.org
Virtual Zoom meeting