Add this Event to Calendar 07/11/2020 02:30 PM 07/11/2020 03:30 PM Virtual Nutrition Classes with Judy Palken: Nutrition Mythology

What should you think when you hear the latest great news about a particular food ingredient? Do you need to take supplements to protect your health? Join us to learn about these and other food and nutrition trends - be a better consumer, don't fall for the myths!

Presented by Judy Palken, MNS, RD, LDN. Judy is a registered dietitian who provides the information and guidance to help you make effective and healthful dietary changes.

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctfuGqrDoiHtV79gKCnn8sYI1qWINstPMV

Once registered, you will receive confirmation and instructions on how to join the meeting.

This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Cooperative Agreement UG4LM012347-01 with the University of Massachusetts, Worcester.

Contact: Reference Department wplref@mywpl.org
Virtual Zoom meeting