Add this Event to Calendar 07/14/2020 03:00 PM 07/14/2020 04:00 PM Drawing with Pen & Ink

Try your hand at a parallel hatch, stippling, grid patterns to create 3D drawings! Learn how to use different hatch patterns with only a pen and paper to draw different types of textures and create your own, original works of art, and for a chance to be featured on Main IDEA's Instagram!

(And don't forget to sign up for our sister workshop, Making Comics, on Thursdays)  Ages 12-17

Register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMud-yorTsqHt31oncsU-alMa-jKEICEcnu

This program is made possible by our Summer Reading Sponsors -- thank you!

Contact: Youth Services Dept.
Virtual Zoom meeting