Monday January 2, 2017
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Baby Bounce



With Ms. Claire, and combining singing, reading, and playing, Baby Bounce is a great way to bond and learn with your baby. Meet and connect with families from the community. This program is designed for babies 0-18 months and who have strong neck control.  

Contact: Joe Stoner  510-284-0685 or

Location: NEWARK BRANCH - Get Directions



With Ms. Claire, and combining singing, reading, and playing, Baby Bounce is a great way to bond and learn with your baby. Meet and connect with families from the community. This program is designed for babies 0-18 months and who have strong neck control.  

Contact: Joe Stoner  510-284-0685 or

Location: NEWARK BRANCH - Get Directions

Thursday January 19, 2017
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Pressed Flower Time for Adults

Use pressed flowers to make a gift or note card, bookmark, picture, mason jar lid or box. (If you want to decorate a boxor something else, please bring your own, sturdy and no larger than 8 by 8 inches.) All materials except boxes will be supplied. This is not a class, but an opportunity to practice what you have learned at earlier classes at the library or elsewhere. 

Space is limited. Registration is required. Register at the Information Desk, call (510) 284-0677 when the library is open, or email 

Contact: Barbara Telford-Ishida at (510) 284-0684 or email

Location: NEWARK BRANCH - Get Directions

Use pressed flowers to make a gift or note card, bookmark, picture, mason jar lid or box. (If you want to decorate a boxor something else, please bring your own, sturdy and no larger than 8 by 8 inches.) All materials except boxes will be supplied. This is not a class, but an opportunity to practice what you have learned at earlier classes at the library or elsewhere. 

Space is limited. Registration is required. Register at the Information Desk, call (510) 284-0677 when the library is open, or email 

Contact: Barbara Telford-Ishida at (510) 284-0684 or email

Location: NEWARK BRANCH - Get Directions

2 events.

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