10:30 AM
12:30 PM
Chicktime Detroit -Merry Christmas
Contact: Jennifer Gibbs—Lewis 313 349-8576 [email protected]
No Workshop.
Chicktime Detroit needs you! We meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month! Whether you want to share your passion and lead a workshop with the women and children or just show up and volunteer! Think about what you love to do... and then let us help you turn it into a program to serve the kids. We need cooks, gardeners, crafters, mechanics, sports enthusiasts, bankers, or whatever it is that YOU love to do!!
Location: Vista Maria 20651 West Warren Avenue Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
10:30 AM
1:30 PM
Chicktime Akron-
Contact: Jessica Haney 13308145901 [email protected]
Chicktime Akron meets once a month at SafeLanding to provide an activity, snack and encourgement to the teens who live in the emergency shelter. We are always looking for volutneers to help us with our monthly workshops. Do you have a passion like gardening, cooking, crafting, journeling? Or do you want to come hang out with some really need kids that just need to know they matter. Contact us! We need you!
Location: Safe Landing; RSVP for address
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Chicktime Nashville- Christmas Party
Contact: Holly Stewart 615-927-4799 [email protected]
Please join us as we celebrate Christmas with our wonderful partners at Youth Villages. Our Leaders this month will be a combined effort as we celebrate the holidays with gifts and treats for the girls.
~Chicktime- Nashville is a group of women who partners with Youth Villages to
work with teens to build them up. We host new leaders every month that
teach and share their God given talents and creativity by making things and teaching new skills to the youth.
We are so thankful for the opportunity and hope to see you there!
Location: Youth Villages; 260 Wallace Rd., Nashville TN 37211
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
Chicktime Katy- Game Day with Cocoa Bar with Angie, Krissy, Niki and Chavon
Contact: Nikicia Brooks 832-640-6873 [email protected]
We meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month, at Miracal's Place in Houston, to bring joy to the kids in our area. Come spend time with the children that need us most! Grab your girlfriends and make new friends as we laugh, serve and share our love with the most unforgettable children. If you have love of art, music, cooking, gardening, photography, dance, ect... please let us know so that we can help you craft a workshop for the kids. We need lots of help as we bring a fabulous activity to the children each month. We really do need YOU!! Volunteers must be 15+ years old.
Location: Reach out for address
2:30 PM
5:00 PM
Chicktime Baltimore-No Worksop
Contact: Terrika Martin 12403023074 [email protected]
NO Workshop this month.
Chicktime Columbia provides a once a month activity to the women and children who are served by the House of Ruth Maryland. HOR leads the fight to end violence against women and their children . We are always looking for women to share their passion and lead the once a month activity. Do you like to cook, craft, garden, sew, bake zumba or yoga? Or have another hobby to share. Contact us.
Location: House of Ruth- 1400 E. North Ave; Baltimore, MD 21213
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
TX- Smalltown-Merry Christmas
Contact: Kim Fulton Huffstuther 18305917776 [email protected]
Kim and Dixie are the workshop leaders.
We meet once a month for an activiry and snack with the kids who live at Big Springs Ranch for Children. The Ranch provides a safe home for children who can't live safely in their own home and it is an honor to partner with them.
Chicktime Smalltown is always looking for workshop leaders. If you have a passion for cooking, gardening, exercising, sports, crafts...You get the picture~ We need you! Let's turn your passion into a workshop!
Location: Big Springs Ranch for Children
Sunday December 15, 2024
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1:30 PM
3:30 PM
Chicktime Jackson- No Workshop
Contact: Linda Zampieri 662-701-0498 [email protected]
Chicktime Jackson meets once a month to provide the teen grils who live at Sunnybrook a fun activity and snack.
Sunnybrook Children's Home provides residential care for children who can't live safely in their home. Chicktime Jackson is always looking for women to share their passions of cooking, gardening, crafting, journaling, game playing , sewing, science or ??? Contact us if you would like lead a workshop.
All volunteers must fill out backgroud check.
Location: 222 Sunnybrook Rd, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Wednesday December 18, 2024
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1:30 PM
4:00 PM
Chicktime Galveston- Annual Posada
Contact: Elvia Gomez 832-340-0832 [email protected]
Chicktime Galveston enjoys bringing , encouragement and lots of smiles to children that need just that. We invite you to join us the 3rd Saturday of every month to serve and empower The families at the Family Crisis Center in Galveston.
Location: The Children's Center; 4428 N. Galveston, Tx
Thursday December 19, 2024
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5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Chicktime McAllen- Christmas Stockings
Contact: Misty Martin 956-391-9034
All Hands on Deck to bring on the Christmas Spirit!
Chicktime McAllen meets the third Saturday of each month to provide love, support and encourgement to the girls who are placed at Upbring New Hope Children's Center. Our monthly workshops are different each month. Examples of our workshops are crafting, game playing, yoga, painting, jewelry making ......do you have a passion or hobby you would like to share one month? Reach out to us! We are always looking for compassionate women to help us be a blessing.
Location: Upbring New Hope Children's Home; 1000 N. McColl, McAllen TX 78501
5:45 PM
8:00 PM
Chicktime Park Circle- Holiday Party
Contact: Christine Epps 201-390-2483 [email protected]
Chicktime Park Circle needs you! We get together the 3rd Thursday of each month to share our passions with the girls at Callen-Lacey. We're looking for women to lead a workshop or simply show up and volunteer! What do you love to do? ... We can help you turn it into an event to inspire our young ladies. We need cooks, gardeners, crafters, mechanics, sports enthusiasts, bankers, or whatever it is that YOU love to do!!
Location: Callen-Lacey; RSVP for address
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
Chicktime Little Rock-Gingerbread Houses
Contact: Jamie 501-351-6466
Join Us!
Chicktime Little Rock ministers to the youth of Immerse Arkansas once a month with a fun activity and snack. Each month, a different volunteer hosts a fun activity that she is passionate about and shares her passion with the residents that we serve! We would love to see YOU there! Let us know if you are interested in hosting one month. We can help you pull it together.
Workshop Leader - Brandi
Location: Immerse; 5300 Asher Ave, Little Rock, AR 72204
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Chicktime Syracuse -Merry Christmas Party
Contact: Monique Allen 315-378-8931 [email protected]
Chicktime Syracuse meets once a month at Chadwick Residence to provide a fun activity and snack. Join us one month.
We are always looking for passionate women to share their passion of cooking, baking, sewing, crafting, gardening, painting or ?? to lead a workshop one month. What is your passion? Let us know and we can help you make a workshop out of it.
Chadwick Residence provides homeless women a welcomng place to live, learn, and grow. The Chadwick Residence mission and experience focus on sustainable, independent living.
Location: Chadwick Residence- 335 Valley Dr, Syracuse, NY 13207