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EventKeeper : Tell a Friend

Parents in the Know: Internet Safety

Saturday February 22, 2020
11:00 AM until 1:00 PM

This training is designed to develop and identify tools to help reduce the risk of the potential dangers of the internet. In today’s age, it is almost impossible to separate being a child with social media and the internet. With the many benefits that connection to the larger world has, it also comes with many dangers. The internet is filled with people who use its anonymity to groom and violate your children’s boundaries. PAAR believes that a proactive approach is important if you want to keep your children safe.
This training will help participants identify some problematic areas of the internet, as well as build skills in engaging in conversations with their children about the internet. It is designed to develop and identify tools to help reduce the risk of the potential dangers of the internet.

Please register online for this program at ccmellorlibrary.eventbrite.com.

Please register online for this program.
Location: CCM Edgewood - Board Room
Click here to go to the C.C. Mellor Memorial Library calendar.

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