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Adventures in the Burgh: The Center for PostNatural History

Thursday August 31, 2017
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM

A monthly excursion of people who want to explore Pittsburgh. Visit museums both large and small; delve into fun activities and discover hidden gems in our neighborhood. Ages 18+.

The Center for PostNatural History

Image result for postnatural history museum pittsburgh

This will be a thought provoking, unique museum to visit founded by Richard Pell, an associate professor of Electronic and Time-based Arts at Carnegie Mellon University. Their website defines PostNatural History as 1) The study of the origins, habitats, and evolution of organisms that have been intentionally and heritably altered by humans. 2) The record of the influence of human culture on evolution. Advancement of knowledge relating to the complex interplay between culture, nature, and biotechnology. Our mission is to acquire, interpret, and provide access to a collection of living, preserved, and documented organisms of postnatural origin.”

We, humans, have been manipulating plants, animals etc. for centuries and this is the first museum devoted to documenting these alterations. The subject matter is broad covering topics such as GMO crops (Monsanto corn), Military technology (Biosteel goats), evolution, agriculture, transgenic animals for research, selective breeding among others. Topics are covered in a professional, neutral fashion.

This tiny museum has sent exhibits to tour Europe and has been featured on NPR, National Geographic, and the highly regarded Nature journal among others.

Address: 4913 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Admission Fee: None, donations to the museum are welcome.

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