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EventKeeper : Tell a Friend

Take a Trip | Adults on Zoom

Tuesday August 2, 2022
6:30 PM until 7:30 PM

Adults (18+)

Eager to travel the world but aren't sure where to start? Don't have the resources to travel right now? (Hey, travel is expensive!) Then join us for this entertaining and educational exploration of the countries of the world! Each month, we'll focus on a different country, virtually exploring the sights and sounds of each location while also learning about each country's history and culture. This month, we'll explore Mexico!

Registration required. Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvcuupqT8sH9cLg8TLV62GP8R_m9Q3zsb3

Location: Virtual
Click here to go to the Mishawaka Penn Public Library calendar.

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