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Safety PAWtrol

Wednesday May 8, 2024
4:00 PM until 5:00 PM

CT Humane Society presents: The Safety PAWtrol Program

Appropriate for Children: Ages 2-7. Families and Caregivers are welcome! Please call to register.

Safely interacting with dogs, reading dog body language, dog bite prevention, feelings and emotions of dogs and people Description: Dogs are an important part of many people’s lives. Understanding the right and wrong ways to interact with them is key to keeping both people and pets happy and safe. It is especially critical for children to learn how to act around dogs because, let’s face it: dog bites happen. But here’s the good news. Many bites are preventable with a little education. This interactive program will provide the tools needed to be safe around dogs, including how to understand dog body language; how to safely approach, greet, and interact with friendly dogs; and what to do when approached by an unfamiliar dog. Background: Approximately 60% of the nation’s 4.5 million annual dog bites happen to children under the age of 15; with the highest rate of dog bite related injuries occurring in children ages 5-9. Many of these dog bites to children are from a dog the child is familiar with and results from the dog feeling fearful. Therefore, these bites are largely preventable with some education.

  • Discover how communication is different between people and pets, specifically dogs.
  • Learn how dogs and humans experience similar feelings, like joy, love, fear, anger, and anxiety.
  • Develop an understanding of how dogs express their emotions compared to people.
  • Learn how dogs use their eyes, ears, tail, fur, mouth, body position, and vocalizations to communicate how they feel. Learn how dogs show signs of being happy, relaxed, stressed, fearful, or angry and how that determines the way they should behave around the dog.
  • Describe what a dog would look like and what emotions they would feel in certain scenarios.
  • Explore techniques on how to safely and kindly approach, greet, and interact with a familiar dog.
  • Learn how to respond when approached by an unknown (stray/loose) dog. Determine what to do if they are attacked by a dog.

Location: Community Room & Board Room
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