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KRAFTY KIDS ( ages 2-5) Session 3

Wednesday August 19, 2020
10:00 AM until 11:00 AM

This year's summer reading theme is Imagine a Story and we are please to announce our Kids Summer Crafting series. Participants must register for each 3 week session . Our last summer session,Session 3,  runs the weeks of August 3, 10 and 17. Each registered participant will receive a Take & Go Bag containing craft materials for each week's craft. You only need to register once for each indivdual sesson.  Deadline to register for sesson 3 is Wednesday July 29 at 9:00PM.  This is to ensure we have the materials we need  and packed for all who want to participate.

The Take & Go Bag will be pre-packed by library staff utilizing safety measures recommended by the town’s emergency response team and the CDC.  For registered children, a Take & Go Bag will be available for pick up on Monday August 3 from 9:30 - 5:30.  The Krafty Kids progam will meet each Wednesday at 10am via Zoom. 

For those people not registered, recording of the programs will be available later in the day on the library YouTube channel, Simply Stories  for kids who want to participate using their own materials. 


Location: Virtual
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