Between Two Libraries Book Group

A New York Times Bestseller.

This story gives extraordinary insight into one of the world's most ruthless and secretive dictatorships.

Hyeonseo Lee grew up in North Korea trapped by a secretive and brutal communist regime. Her home bordered with China and gave her some exposure to the world beyond the Hermit 

Kingdom. When the famine of the 1990's struck, she bagan to question things that they were told - like North Korea is the best place on the planet. Hyeonseo realized that she had been 

brainwashed her entire life.

At age 17, she escaped North Korea. She couldn't have known then that it would be 12 years until she'd be reunited with her family.

We will meet at Bridgeville Public Library for this discussion.

Tuesday Apr 4, 2023
11:00 AM  -  12:30 PM