Plymouth Rocket : Developer Sample Page

EKFeed presented in a monthly calendar view

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Implementation Steps

  1. Create an EKFeed from your EventKeeper calendar.
    Note that your EKFeed must include the date and
    the events must be returned in an ARRAY VARIABLE.
  2. Insert the 2 pieces of relevant code from this sample page into your web page:
    • a javascript include that goes in the header
    • a block of code that goes where you want the calendar to appear
  3. Edit the inserted code as described in the comments.
  4. Download the calendar CSS file to your page directory and modify it to change the format of your calendar.
  5. Right click on this tooltip image and download it to your page directory.      

Development Interest List

If you decide to implement this feature, please click here and fill out the form, checking EKFeed Month View, so we can keep you informed of any changes or updates.

To check your display, here is the same EKFeed array data formatted as TABLE

Remember, if your EKFeed does not include the DATE, the EKFeed MONTH VIEW won't work.