Library Events

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Friday August 24, 2018
End of Summer Reading Celebration and BBQ
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Come celebrate the end of summer with food, games, music, face painting, performers, and more! You’ll get a chance to win cool prizes, get your picture taken with the Library Lion, play outdoor games, dance to great music...and it’s all FREE! No registration required.

CONTACT:  Dolores Colarosa  412-885-2255
Tuesday August 28, 2018
Bouncing Babies and Books
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

This storytime, for babies birth-24 months, will include books, songs, musical instruments, scarves, parachutes and bubbles along with baby playtime/socialization following storytime! Meet new caregivers or meet up with old friends while starting your baby on the rewarding road to reading! No registration required. 

To receive text updates should baby storytime need to be cancelled, text @bouncingba to 81010

CONTACT:  Dolores Colarosa  412-885-2255
Thursday August 30, 2018
Family Fun in the Garden - CANCELLED
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Our Family Fun Nights will focus on the garden! Each program will cover a topic related to gardening and will include a related make-and-take activity! Registration required for each class.

Thursdays at 6:30 pm: June 21 (herb/vegetable garden/seeds), July 12 (bird feeders) and 26 (kitchen plants), and August 9 (worm farms) and 23 (garden recipes)

CONTACT:  Tracy Bakowski  412-885-2255

3 events.